[ISEA2023] Curator Statement: Augmented Catalog

Curator Statement

In the logic of hybridization, of bridges built between the physical and virtual worlds, one of the major strategic axes of ISEA2023, we wished to carry out an indepth reflection on the notion of catalogue, to try to give it life.

Thanks to the financial support of MAIF, and with the help of the Bright agency, we created this virtual and social space, which should be considered as “augmented catalogue”. We distributed doors around a central agora, leading to nearly 80 white cubes. There we gathered the media (texts, visuals, videos, links…) that would best document the works of each artist selected for ISEA2023. Obviously, the choice was left to the artists to participate or not in this catalogue, as well as to the media selected.
This dissemination space is designed to be event-based and social. Avatars can exchange, and events (conferences, debates, guided tours…) are organized throughout the symposium, and after, allowing to establish new types of relationships around the artists’ projects, phygital and beyond geographies and time zones.

This facilitated dissemination is an asset for making the work of the artists selected for ISEA2023 known. Indeed, not all of them could be physically exhibited at our partners’ venues, and this option was a way to ensure the dissemination and promotion that the ISEA2023 artists deserve. We have taken particular care to ensure easy accessibility and wide distribution of this catalogue, catalysed by its online existence. ISEA2023’s expanded catalogue is available via smartphone, desktop or VR headset, and we have formed various partnerships to ensure a thorough and longterm dissemination. In particular with the Micro-Folies, a network supported by the French Ministry of Culture, open to local authorities and to the networks of the French Institute and the Alliance française throughout the world, which offers access to a digital museum. The distribution of the augmented catalogue in this network, developed in a logic of decentralisation and cultural democratisation, will offer the catalogue a longlasting and strong audience; it will also be accessible on a permanent basis at the Cube Garges, and sometimes on a more occasional basis, such as at the Grand Palais Agmanté 2023 and at numerous partners in France.

As a company with a mission committed to the common good and an insurer of the world of culture, MAIF supports ISEA2023 in its desire to make art accessible to the general public. We have joined the circle of partners to enable the broadcasting (live and recorded) of all the events organised by the symposium at the Forum des Images. We are also supporting the production of the ISEA2023 enhanced catalogue to make the works and artists discoverable in a metaverse version.

ACCESS ONLINE: https://bit.ly/isea-agora